Monday, 12 December 2011

Why I Hate The Tabloids

This is why I hate the tabloids:
The only real piece of news on this page is in the top left hand corner. If you squint hard you might be able to make it out. Failing that you'll have to fetch your magnifying glass. It's about 100 words, probably fewer, on the protests/uprising in Russia. It's an interesting story on electoral fraud that in my opinion warrants a double page spread. But no. The Sunday Mirror have decided that Jeremy Clarkson on a yacht looking like a fat old man is more valuable word wise. THIS IS NOT NEWS PEOPLE. Sure, he gets paid far too much, and he says some outrageous things, but that doesn't make him more important/interesting than the troubles in Russia. Granted, he just got fired as the Sun's columnist for his comments suggesting the strikers should be shot, but the Sun must have read and approved that column before they printed it, knowing full well the backlash it would receive. I think it's wrong to hold Clarkson entirely culpable. He may have written the words, but I'm guessing at least ten other people read that before it was published, and yet none of the media storm is being focussed on them. This might not be true, but I still think it's wrong to devote almost a whole double page spread to a story on how he's taken the reaction to his column so badly and how guilty he feels and how he's trying to take his mind off things by surrounding himself by expensive things and 'pretty' ladies (If anyone can actually be bothered to look hard, none of the ladies are actually that attractive....). Clarkson looks like he's pretty thick skinned and I'm guessing after years of being as outspoken as he is, he's grown accustomed to the odd adverse reaction. There's also a lot in the article about how much Clarkson is paid blah blah blah. But I say, if you can find someone stupid enough to pay you £1 million a year while you manage to piss off half the population, GOOD ON YOU CHUM. I hope one day I find someone as thick as that to sign my pay cheques. Anyway, my main point (that I somehow got sidetracked from when I started bitching about the content of the Clarkson article) was that the tabloids devote too much page space to non-stories. And I know this drivel is what the 'plebs' (OMG I called them plebs. I'm nearly as controversial as Clarkson) want to read, but I just feel that if the tabloids started giving more words and space to real news, then people would be less ignorant. That's what people need; a political education. And I think the first way we can start to do this, is by changing the tabloid media.

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