I find it really annoying when girls dress as 'sexy' somethings for fancy dress. Unless the invite specifically asks you to dress like a prostitute, it's not acceptable to interpret the theme as 'sluts and ho's'. Some of you might argue that if I had a great body I would also dress like a complete skank, but I really don't think I would. What am I going to gain from wearing next to nothing, except a lot of unwanted attention from pervy men? NOTHING. When I go out, it's not to find boys. I hate that clubs have become 'cattle markets', as it were, where girls go to look for boys and vice versa. All I want when I go out, is to drink too much, dance with my friends, and fall down in the street. Now that I've said my piece, here are some pictures of me in fancy dress; this is how you do it properly.
Geeks and Nerds -Probably my proudest achievement. I'm also wearing the most hideously neon rucksack that used to belong to my dad but you can't see it in this picture. I may have 'accidentally' left it at my friend Hannah's it was so hideous. (Sorry dad, if you're reading this. I promise I'll buy you a nice, new, trendy one if you're that cut up about it).
I'm wearing crocs for goodness sake. CROCS! |
This next one is from halloween this year. Instead of going as a cat (or anything that involves ears and whiskers for that matter), I went as a pumpkin. Yes, a pumpkin. AND the night before this was taken, I went out in Essex sporting very fetching neon orange face paint to match. I was a dedicated pumpkin. I would also like you to note my best friend Hannah (different Hannah from the one mentioned above). SHE'S DRESSED AS A WOOPIE CUSHION! Nowhere in the world would that ever be construed as sexy, but we got a lot of laughs and we had a really good time. This is proper fancy dress!
Finally, this one comes from my last week of Year 13. We had to dress up everyday that week, and this was, in my opinion, by far the best outfit. The theme this day was 'Stereotypes of Society' or something like that, and loads of people came as chavs or emos. I decided I was going to come as a toff/farmer.
I even have a badge on that says 'Bollocks to Blair' |
So girls. Please take note. Fancy dress is not about being sexy. It is not about attracting boys. And it is definitely not about being so underdressed you catch a kidney disease in the cold. So lets forget Mean Girls, and have some proper (old-fashioned) fun.
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