Thursday, 8 December 2011

I Have Feet Roughly Equal In Size to Noah's Ark

I have huge feet. It's probably just because I'm tall but they're a size 8 none the less. In Uggs, my feet are even bigger and I usually can't really tell where I'm putting them (its a constant worry of mine that I'm going to step on a small child). I was in River Island today, and my huge Ugg-clad feet caused me to trip and knock a whole display of purses all over the floor. It was the most mortifying thing ever. Elle, like the good friend she is, didn't come over and help (like I would have done. LOL JK). It's not the first time my Ugg-clad feet have caused me major embarrassment either. I was late to a lecture a few weeks ago, and when I finally arrived, my huge feet caused me to trip up the steps. Everyone was watching. I've never wanted the earth to open up and swallow me more than in that one second. I have contemplated stopping wearing my Uggs, but they're just too warm and soft. They're how I imagine heaven cuddling your feet feels like. Sometimes I wish I had smaller feet, (there are men with smaller feet than me...) but then I remember that I would probably fall over even more than I already do.
Her feet are probably smaller than mine. 

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