Thursday, 5 January 2012

I Hate the Left

It's stories like this that really anger me.
The groups responsible for this campaign only use half of the truth, and imply that Kim contributes exactly the same as everyone else to the Californian economy. Which is false. While she contributes the same percentage of her earnings, she actually contributes nearly 300 times more than the average American (she contributed $1,236,000 in taxes, while the average Californian contributed less than $5,000). But left wing groups like these work on the basis that people are either to stupid to work out the actual figures or can't be bothered. And while this is generally true, you should never take a statistic at face value. The fact that some people earn more than others, is exactly the reason why we have a progressive taxation system. The more you earn, the more you pay; even though the percentage of taxable earnings might be the same.

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