Friday, 25 May 2012

'Roll' Model

It's 4:20 bitches! Well actually its not, its 22:43 but thats not the point. Rihanna smokes weed. We all know it. She hardly tries to hide it and I just wanted to pretend for a sec I knew what I was talking about.
Anyway, see what I did with the title there. Role model. 'Roll' model. Because you roll weed. LOL. I understand that girlfriend can do whatever she wants with her life, I just find it selfish that she does it so publicly and in front of so many young impressionable girls. I miss the days when Rihanna was all like 'come mr dj sum pon de replay' in her high tops and low slung jeans. 
On a slightly different note, she got dreads the other day. I have nothing against dreads. (Thats a big fat lie. I do. I think they look dirty and horrible). But anyway, she's kind of been a bit Bob Marley obsessed recently and I feel like the dreads were maybe a little too far and came across as try hard. 
Essentially what I'm trying to say is that she needs to calm the fuck down and assess where her life is going. She's 24. She's young and beautiful, not to mention rich beyond belief. If she doesn't start being more sensible she's going to end up in the 27 Club. And that would be a huge shame. 

Nails Du Jour

Barry M in Blue Moon 
Barry M in Matt White 
Nicole by Opi in Rainbow in the S-Kylie 

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Nails Du Jour

So I guess most people have already seen them on Facebook, but here's this weeks nails.

The design is 'Galaxy Nails' (if you want to do them yourself there are a lot of really good tutorials out there. I used this one). They're so so easy as well. They require virtually no skill. 

Base Coat - Barry M in Black 
Colours for the 'nebulae' - Barry M in Matt White, Topshop in Peaches and Cream, Topshop in Feisty and Barry M in Cobalt Blue 
Glitter Topcoat (to create the 'stars') - Barry M in Pink Iridescent 
Top Coat - Barry M in Clear 

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Girlfriend Needs to Pull Herself Together

This is Rihanna's new video for the single 'Where Have you Been':

It is definitely a video conceived on drugs. It's what I imagine a bad trip feels/looks like. I mean, it's just creepy. The whole way through. And what are those hideous pink pantaloon things about? This is probably one of my favourite songs on the album but the video is, quite frankly, grotesque. I'd probably enjoy it more if I was as high as she was all the time though. 
I really used to love Rihanna. And I mean LOVE. Big time. But somewhere between when she started smoking weed and when she started sleeping with Chris Brown again, I kind of lost all respect for her. She's 24 and she seems to have lost all direction in her life. If she's not careful she's going to end up like this. Ugly and on crack cocaine, wishing she still has a career. She's hardly fit to be a role model to young girls. 

Nails Du Jour

Base Colour: Barry M in Bright Red 
Accent Colour: Nicole by OPI in Rainbow in the S-Kylie